BBC News – Suomi satellite pictures Earth in black
BBC News – Suomi satellite pictures Earth in black. Such a stunning photo of the earth from its dark side. The striking thing for me is how much of the world is not lit...
BBC News – Suomi satellite pictures Earth in black. Such a stunning photo of the earth from its dark side. The striking thing for me is how much of the world is not lit...
I came across these the other day, and after pissing my self to a few of their video’s I thought I had to share it on here. They are just so funny, and so...
A very funny video, and I agree with the premise… *NSFW or family members as the subject is adult themes – but funny!
BBC News – Giant black hole in tiny galaxy confounds astronomers Astronomers have spotted an enormous black hole – the second-heaviest ever seen – but it resides in a tiny galaxy. The galaxy NGC...
My 14yr old Nephew has gotten into video montages for COD 2, and I have to say I’m loving his work, especially the choice in music…
Religion needs an upgrade – couldn’t have put it better myself…
Even though I do think the end is now where near neigh, it is fun to think what if, what if it was the end of the world, what would or could happen…
I’m ashamed how close this mirrors my previous job…
29/31 by Garfunkel and Oates Garfunkel and Oates play the same woman, 2 years apart. Kate plays the 29 year old version of the woman, Riki plays the 31 year old.